Study in UK
The UK is made up of 4 different countries – England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Quality standards for UK institutions are among the best in the world. The British qualifications are recognized and respected throughout the world. They serve as a solid foundation for building one’s future, boosting career and prospects for a higher salary. UK universities, colleges and schools will provide a vibrant, creative, stimulating and challenging environment that gives students a chance for personal growth and to develop their potential.
Academically, the UK leads the world. Some of the oldest and best graduate and post graduate universities and schools are located in the UK. These include world renowned institutions such as Oxford, Cambridge and so on.
Many students select to study in the UK because of the international recognition held by UK qualifications. This is particularly important in an increasingly globalised world economy. Employers are looking for people with appropriate knowledge, professional skills and the willingness to learn. This is an essential part of the UK teaching and learning experience and is why the qualifications are well regarded around the world.
According to the Visa regulations, on a student visa of more that 6 months duration, you can work 20 hours a week parttime and 40 hrs a week full time during vacations. The minimum wage regulation in the UK states that the minimum possible wage per hour for students working parttime must be £4.50, and generally students get paid £4 to £7 an hour depending on the nature of the job.
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