Study in Ireland
Important points about the ILEP
Here are some important things that INIS say about the ILEP on their website:
The list is about immigration checks, not about quality, but there are basic requirements on learner protection, class size and teacher qualifications.
There will be more checks on schools and schools that break the rules will be removed. All English language students must be registered for exams.
All immigration permissions for English language courses will now be for 8 months (first announced in May last year)…
For complete policy visit Irish Government official website http://www.inis.gov.ie.
General Information
Irish Visa Fee: € 60 & Fedex Charges is € 46
- Student can purchase Euro Education Bond
- Student’s father, mother, uncle or other family member are acceptable as a sponsor. Minimum 20 to 25 Lac bank statement balance required with proof of income. (need to show proof of Relationship with sponsor)
Useful Links:
Irish Education – Government Website
Central Application Office – Ireland
Department of Justice, Equality & Law Reform
Irish Naturalization & Immigration Service
The Accreditation and Co-ordination of English Language Services. – ACELS
Further Education and Training Awards Council
Higher Education and Training Awards Council
The National Framework of Qualifications
Contact Us:
Tel: 92-21-34311251– 2 & 34310165-66
Email: info@harmain.org
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